Mai Le
Jul 30, 20192 min read
Newborn Essentials
Now that were having our third little baby girl. I've found some great things that have worked for us and wanted to share the many...

Mai Le
Jul 26, 20192 min read
What's In My Hospital Bag
I cannot believe we're finally at the home stretch of this pregnancy. I got the bags packed and ready to go and sharing some items that I...

Mai Le
Jul 23, 20193 min read
REVIEW: Baby Jogger City Elite
I've finally gotten my act together well sort of LOL. We got a new stroller for baby girl. We ended up going with the Baby Jogger City...

Mai Le
Jul 16, 20192 min read
Summer Learning
Summer is such an awesome time for families to enjoy one another and of course you cannot leave out the sunshine, popsicles, ice cream,...

Mai Le
Jul 6, 20191 min read
What's In my Diaper Bag
I can't believe in a few short weeks baby girl will be coming. With both my kiddos they came early so I'm going to be prepared rather...