Spring Break is almost upon us and I for one am so ready for some fun and relaxation. Okay well whom am I kidding, no relaxation here, it'll be hit the ground running with both kiddos on my own. Thank goodness we got this amazing espresso machine to help with all the busyness. But let's start talking about what I really wanted to share was some fun thing to do while on spring break.

1. Believe it or not, but Michael's is having a two week long drop in whenever art camp. Everyday there will be a different craft, such as glitter art, paper mache day, etc. No day is the same and to top it off it's only $2 for the drop in art day.

2. Of course check out your local libraries, like ours has family lego day, pajama movie night, etc. All sorts of fun things. And you don't have to necessarily have to go during these specific events. I would just go and have the kids browse books they'd like to take home and take part in a bit of Ipad games. We've also really lucked out here in the West coast, all the libraries are pretty amazing. We especially love the central vancouver one it has literally a huge area just for the kids to play with puzzles and games, a puppet theatre and literally a toddler jumping/play area.

3. Having a fun scavenger walk would be a great way to enjoy a day during the spring break week off. I've literally made up fun little print outs and we do our own dectective walk in our own neighbourhood, checking off our scavenger list as we go. It's a great time to enjoy nature and for the kids to run around and burn off some of the energy.

4. Check out your local community centres, because they also have great one day wonders, or shorter days day camps. I might be also checking out the stay and play (which is basically a huge obstacle course for the children to explore).

5. And lastly but not least check out all the local indoor parks, like go bananas, Fun world, Funtopia, The great escape, Kids market adventure zone and Captain Kids' fun centre.